Low Demand Parenting Summit & Other Upcoming Events
Today I wanted to share information with you about the Low Demand Parenting Summit coming up this week, hosted by Amanda Diekman. There are so many fabulous speakers that I am looking forward to, and am honored to be among. To follow is a run down of the 3-day summit, which runs from March 28th to March 30th, and you can register here!
March 28th / Day 1 Theme: Understand
Hear from insightful people including Morenika Giwa Onaiwu (Author of Sincerely, Your Autistic Child, Professor and autistic adult), Penny Williams (Host of Beautifully Complex Podcast), Megan Anna Neff (Psychologist and autistic adult) and Debbie Reber (Host of Tilt Parenting Podcast and author of Differently Wired).
March 29th / Day 2 Theme: Heal
On Day 2, Amanda speaks with Naomi Fisher (Clinical psychologist and author of Changing Our Minds), Barry Prizant (Author of Uniquely Human, SLP and clinical scholar), and Andrew Klein, OT (on Finding the Window of Tolerance), to name a few that I am especially interested in hearing from!
March 30th / Day 3 Theme: Reimagine
Here’s my day! And I love the theme of it: Reimagine. I speak with Amanda about communicating in a way that creates connection and safety. We’ll also hear from Mel Houser (Family physician, All Brains Belong, PDA autistic adult), Suzanne Gunn (sleep specialist!), and Joanna John (join for a live session on mindfulness meditation!), among others!
Here is the link to register again!
A little bit further out, on April 3rd at 1:15pm ET, I want to invite you to a live stream conversation with Sean G. McCormick, M Ed., the Founder and Executive Director of EF Specialists. We’ll talk about declarative language, and how making small shifts in your language and speaking style will produce important results. You could join us or pass on the link to someone in your circle that you think may benefit from learning more about declarative language! Free registration is here.
Monday April 3rd at 1:15 ET
Register for free here!
And after the school year is done, maybe you’ll consider earning some CEU’s at a half day webinar with me on declarative language and co-regulation! AEP Connections is hosting.
Tuesday June 27 at 11:00am ET
Register and get CEU’s here! Early Bird rate is available until May 26.
Have a great week!
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